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June 28, 2013

June Charity of the Month Wrap Up & 52 Weeks!

June's Charity of the Month was Feeding America.

$1 - 8 meals
Feeding America: Ways to Give

Feeding America is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity.  Their food bank network supplies food to more than 37 million Americans.  They can only do this with our help and support!

With the CoM program, I donate $1 for the first 50 new followers to my blog to the current Charity of the Month.  You can follow in any way that you choose, simply pick an optionIf you already follow one way, feel free to add another:

This month I gained just over 100 new followers.  That translates to a $50 donation for Feeding America!  Thank you very much for your help and support. 

I think my donation this week counts for my Random Act of Kindness for Amber's 52 Weeks Project as well!  =)  Don't forget to head over to My Three Bittles to see what Amber did this week, as well as link up!

Check in on Monday for the July Charity of the Month info!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 26, 2013

Oh What A HAPPY Day Link Party!

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

This week I am happy to be back online.  We had some storms blow through on Monday night, which left us with no phone and also no internet for most of Tuesday.  Kind of makes it hard to work from home with out the internet.  When I called AT&T they said it would probably not be until THURSDAY before they could fix it!  Thankfully they got it back up after a few hours!

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 57 links in total!  Congrats go out to Crystal @ MommiFRIED for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

The rules for the party are pretty simple: 

Have fun and say HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


not done growing

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 24, 2013

Meditation Monday - I am what I am

This week's image for meditation is:

Pinterest Source

I am going to channel my inner Popeye this week.  Which in my head is always Robin Williams.  Seriously this movie came out in 1980, I can't be that old can I?  =)

Any who, this week is all about accepting who I am.  We all spend so much time and energy trying to change things about ourselves.  Sometimes it is nice to just sit back and enjoy who you are.  

We all have our own gifts and talents.  Rather than trying to live up to some other person's model of how we should be, we need to embrace ourselves and who we are.  Accept yourself as is, and then simply strive to be the best possible version of you there is.  

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 21, 2013

52 Weeks of Kindness

Happy Friday Everyone!

I am late in my post today.  It has just been one of those days I guess.  Nothing really serious, just could not seem to get to the computer and some quiet time to actually write this.  Here's hoping for a calmer weekend!  =)

52 weeksThis week my acts of kindness included a trip to Canada to see my Grandparents.  Which sounds like a big trip, but being from the Metro Detroit area, it is not as extensive as it seems.  Just a hop across the river really.  Well for us it entailed a four hour drive to Detroit, and then the trip across the river.  

It was a long day, my nerves were shot, but I still managed to work up the excitement for little bear as we went through the tunnel, and I explained the fact that we were no longer in America.  He was less than impressed and asked if were not in America, with Captain America, who was the super hero in Canada.  He did get a bit more excited when I told him that I was pretty sure Wolverine was Canadian.  Such a screw ball.

My other act of kindness was to take little bear to the park after school one day.  Again and easy kindness, but a fun one.  We are also going to camp out in the back yard tonight... as long as it does not rain on our fun! 

My kindness was all about my family this week.  How about you?  

Also, don't forget to head over to My Three Bittles to see how Amber did with her 52 Weeks project today!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 19, 2013

Oh What A HAPPY Day Link Pary!

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

This week I am happy to be over my summer cold and finally starting to feel better!

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 50 links in total!  Congrats go out to Angie @ Snack Cups and Smiles for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ijcwLEjKw9k/UZE5w3NtCFI/AAAAAAAABGI/P6Rua1XGsvA/s1600/New%2BBlog%2BBanner.jpg/This week I have a Sponsor Shout for you.  Today's sponsor love is all about Sew Crafty Angel.  Angel has a great variety of posts.  From craft ideas to great link ups, there really is something for every one.  Check out her ideas for entertaining the little ones this summer, I know we will be trying one or two of them! After you link up, hop over and share the joy.  

The rules for the party are pretty simple: 

Have fun, say HI to our lovely sponsor, and HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


not done growing

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 17, 2013

Meditation Monday

I am out of town again today.  We are going to the funeral for a very dear friend of the family.  He was a great guy and will be missed very much.  When ever I think of him, I see him laughing.  He was always so kind and so happy.  

When I saw this image, it immediately made me think of my friend.  So this week I am going to meditate on the happy and keep his laughter in my heart.

Pinterest Source

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 14, 2013

52 Weeks and Father's Day

I am rolling my act of kindness this week into my father's day gift giving.  I've had a cold all week, so my activities have been slowed down to say the least.

After some web surfing and pinning I came up with a great gift idea for both my father-in-law and my grandpa, aka Little Bear's Grandpa and Great Grandpa!  Both of these guys are impossible to shop for.  If you ask them what they want they will always tell you nothing, or don't spend your money on me.  

This year I decided to make them each a picture plaque, for lack of a better word.  Here is the one I made for my Grandpa:

The picture on the top is me and my two sisters with our Grandpa when we were younger.  The bottom two are his crazy great-grandchildren today.  Apparently the new generation cannot take a picture without at least two of the three having their mouth wide open... so I had to find a similar picture of us!  

Here is how my father-in-law's turned out:

He is going to kill me for putting him in the pictures, but I could not resist.  The one on the top is him and my hubs.  The one on the bottom is Grandpa and Little Bear.  My three guys.  I really am one lucky lady.  

Actually the little bear and I are both pretty lucky to have such great men in our lives.  I am forever grateful for them both.  My grandpa for teaching me so much, and my father-in-law for being such a great role model for his son.  

I had these printed up at Walgreen's, and put them into nice frames.  Of course I forgot to take a picture before I wrapped them.  I went with the father's day theme and added ties to the basic paper.  I think they turned out pretty cute.

52 weeksDon't forget to give the great guys in your life an extra hug this weekend. 

Also, head over to My Three Bittles and see what every one else did for their acts of kindness this week!  

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 12, 2013

Oh What A HAPPY Day Link Party!

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

This week I am happy that summer is in full swing at our house.  The weather is crazy hot, my hair is crazy frizzy with all the humidity; but it is nice to grill out every day and watch the little bear run through the sprinkler!  

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 51 in total!  Congrats go out to Susan @ The Bored Zombie for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

http://www.mamapapabarn.com/This week rather than having a co-host, we have a Sponsor Shout out.  Today's sponsor love is all about Mama Papa Barn.  Christine has created a great source of all things eco-friendly and healthy.  She also has some awesome giveaways going on.  Giveaways that always stick to her Green Lifestyle... plus she has a page just for Free Stuff.  She is helping us learn as well as giving us the tools we need to succeed!  Gotta love that!  After you link up, hop over and share the joy.  

The rules for the party are pretty simple: 

Have fun, say HI to our lovely sponsor, and HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


not done growing

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 10, 2013

Meditation Monday

Happy Monday,  let's see how good of a week we can make for ourselves!

This week's image for mediation is:

Pinterst Source
Working on good thoughts, good thoughts, and more good thoughts this week!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 7, 2013

52 Weeks of Kindness

Happy Friday All!  I hope all of your weeks were good ones.

52 weeksThis week my random acts of kindness were all about over tipping.  Every time I figured out a tip in my head, I made sure to add an extra $3 to $5 to it.  

It was really only two tips, but I know my hair stylist will love it... and the adorable little waitress at the restaurant the other day deserved it.  She saw my little bear had reached his limit of being able to sit nicely at a table at the end of our meal.  She brought out our bill and checked us out in record time... all without us even having to ask her to!

I also made sure to tell a very nice gentleman who was helping a little old lady pump her gas that he was a rock star.  He laughed and said that if his mother saw him sitting there and not helping she would smack him upside his head.  Good job momma, good job!  haha  Here's hoping my little bear was paying attention to the whole thing!

Don't forget to head over to My Three Bittles and check out what Amber has done for her 52 Weeks Project today. 

Have a great weekend!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 6, 2013

Guest Posting over at Mary-andering Thoughts and Issues

I just wanted to let you all know about a great blog that I was lucky enough to do a guest post at this week.

Mary @ Mary-andering
Mary over at Mary-andering Thoughts and Issues read my June Charity of the Month post and asked right away if I would like to do a guest post!  She loved the idea of helping out and promoting Feeding America as well.  

If you have a moment, head on over and check out my guest post!

While you are there, make sure to stay awhile and see all the great things Mary has as well.  She is a retired educator, journalist, and stay at home mom.  Her point of view is varied and informed.

I am truly honored to be guest posting for Mary, and so thankful for her offer of help with the Charity of the Month.  It is great ladies like Mary who make this world such a lovely place!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 5, 2013

Oh What A HAPPY Day Party!

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

This week I am happy to be back home and sleeping in my own bed.  It is a little thing, but a good thing!

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 60 in total!  Congrats go out to Diane @ Vintage Zest! for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

http://d111vui60acwyt.cloudfront.net/stores/avatars/31966/medium/uctracy.jpg?1350650745This week rather than having a co-host, I thought I would do a Sponsor Shout out.  Today's sponsor love is all about Tracy @ Unique Creations By Tracy.     Tracy has a great store with so many cute products.  Check out this adorable Owl Pillow - it is custom made just for you so you can pick out your own colors!  

Custom Owl Pillow

Tracy has even offerred to give all the readers of Not Done Growing a 10% off discount.  Simply use coupon code 10NDGROW at check out.  After you link up, hop over and share the joy.  

The rules for the party are pretty simple: 

Have fun, say HI to our lovely sponsor, and HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


not done growing

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


June 3, 2013

June Charity of the Month - Feeding America

$1 - 8 meals
Feeding America: Ways to Give

This month's Charity of the Month is Feeding America.

1 in 6 Americans Face HungerFeeding America is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity.  Their food bank network supplies food to more than 37 million Americans.  They can only do this with our help and support!

Breakfast for a Child for 3 Months
Feed a Child Breakfast for 3 months
Please take a moment to check out Feeding America.  Their Ways to Give page has donation options for all levels.  For a small gift of only $12, you can feed a child breakfast for three months.  $12 would be as simple as making your own coffee for a week and skipping that fancy coffee house one. 

Each month I will donate $1 for the first 50 new followers to my blog to the current Charity of the Month.  You can follow in any way that you choose, simply pick an optionIf you already follow one way, feel free to add another:

Feeding America's mission is simply to feed America's hungry, let's see if we can join together to help them out this month!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.

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