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November 30, 2012

Weekend Blog Walk - CoHosting Gig!

It's time to celebrate another Weekend!  Today I have the pleasure of co-hosting the Weekend Blog Hop with Jessica and her crew at At Home,Take 2.  This Blog Hop is a great place to meet bloggers.  It was the first Hop that I participated in, so it is extra nice to be co-hosting this week.

Let's get to the Hop!

Spread the love- give a shout out with #WeekendBlogWalk, or just hit the Tweet button below:

What is Blog Hop Etiquette anyway? 

Interested in being a Guest-Host?  We are now scheduling for the next 6 weeks.  There is a $10 fee to Guest Host.  Send an email athometake2@gmail.com to reserve your spot.  This small fee allows us to advertise and promote the Weekend Blog Walk.

Rules for the Weekend Blog Walk are simple:

1) Follow your Co-Hosts (1-7 on the Linky) via GFC, Feedburner, Facebook, Twitter and/or Pinterest. Please leave a comment if you are a new follower.

Jessica from At Home Take 2

Jillian from Hi! It's Jilly.

Jenna from Call Her Happy

Holly from Not Done Growing

Kimberly from My Pinterest Reality

2) Post our button on your sidebar, or add a link on your Party List. 

3) Hop around and visit at least a few new blogs and meet some new blogging friends.

At Home Take 2

<a href="http://www.athometake2.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8171/7902850280_fcde10bef3_m.jpg" alt="At Home Take 2" width="125" height="125" /></a>


Link up your blog url:

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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Have Giveaways or want to enter? Do that here.

November Charity of the Month Wrap Up

November's Charity of the Month, Feeding America is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity.  Their food bank network supplies food to more than 37 million Americans.  They can only do this with our help and support!

Each month, I will donate $1 for the first 25 new followers to my blog AND the first 25 new likes on my facebook page to the current Charity of the Month.

This month I added 54 followers and 23 Facebook Likes.  That translates to a $50 donation for Feeding America!  Thank you very much for your help and support.

Don't forget to check in tomorrow for December's Charity Feature. 

Friday's Fab Finds

Happy Friday!

I am still recovering from our vacation last week to Disney World. I have not been the best of bloggers this week!  I promise next week I'll be back to normal.

We had a wonderful time.  My little bear is three and just loved every bit.  He spent the week laughing and dancing with all his buddies - Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and Donald.  He does not go any where without a Spider-man shirt on, so most of the crew made sure to shoot some webs in their pictures!

Since it is Friday, I did want to share a fabulous blog that I have been enjoying for a couple of weeks:  Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity.

I found A Cat-Like Curiosity when was lucky enough to win a free ad spot for the month in a giveaway.  Not only did I get to do my first ad, I found a wonderfully informative and helpful blog.  Sarah has plenty of ideas for helping anyone live a more creative and fulfilled life!  Gotta love that! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

November 28, 2012

November 27, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide - Part Two

Welcome back to my Holiday Gift Guide.  If you missed part one, you can check it out here.

Again all of the gifts in this guide are great on their own, but there is an added bonus when you choose to buy them - the purchase also helps out a charity. 

West Elm

Hickory Farms Signature Party Planner

If you are looking to purchase gifts any ways, please take the time to think about your choices and try to make your investment go a little further.

Check in next Tuesday for more great gift ideas. 

November 26, 2012

Meditation Monday

Hello and welcome to another Monday!   The image to reflect upon for this week is a reminder to find the good in any situation.  

I'm still on vacation today, so staying positive and hopeful should not be a problem.  My intention for the week, as I return to normal life; is to embrace all experiences knowing that the bad ones are only brief stops in my journey.     

November 23, 2012

Friday's Fab Find - Charity Miles IPhone/Android App

This week's Fab Find is so cool, I wanted to make sure it was not lost in a list a Finds, so it is the only one!  

Charity Miles

Do you walk, run, or bike?  If so, by tracking your miles with Charity Miles, you can also help out a charity of your choice at the same time!  Does not get much better than that.

Just choose a charity and press start. As you walk, run or bike, the app tracks your distance and you earn money for your charity. Bikers earn 10¢ per mile; walkers and runners earn 25¢ per mile.


November 21, 2012

SnapShot of Joy

joy joy joy
Pinterest link

Happy Wednesday!  Today my family is heading south for a needed and anticipated vacation.  We are taking the little bear to Disney World for a few days.

I have a few posts scheduled and waiting for you all, but the plan is to have so much fun playing with Mickey and crew that I collapse into blissful sleep each night - leaving no time for check ins.  Please know that I am still grateful and happy to read your comments, and I will be back to my regularly scheduled programs as soon as possible after this break.

November 19, 2012

Meditation Monday

Happy Monday!  

Here's is this week's image for meditation:
You Are Loved Print by Penny Wishes

Short, but very sweet.  This is one of those little items that I think we tend to forget, or even take for granted.  This week let's take the time to think and meditate on all the ways that we are loved; as well as the ways that we can show others how much we love them in return.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

November 17, 2012


Ah, Saturday afternoon and I'm working on some general Blog maintenance.  In an effort to be more organized with my Blog Reading and following, I've decided to give Bloglovin a try.  Hopefully it will help me to at least feel as if I am not missing nearly as many great posts!

If you are a Bloglovin user, you can now Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Have a wonderful day!

November 16, 2012

Friday's Letters

PhotobucketDear Little Bear - Thank you so much for all the songs and entertainment you provide as I drag you from errand to errand after school.  I'm pretty sure all the strangers smiling as we pass want to say Thank You too!  You are a moment of sun shine in all of our days.

Dear Mom - You were right, the grommet curtains rock!  They open and close so wonderfully.  Now stop talking about getting some for your room and GO GET THEM ALREADY!

Dear Weekend - FINALLY, let's get our fun on.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Friday's Fab Finds

Happy Friday Friends! 

I have some pretty cool finds for you today:

1 - Jen @ rellas bellas is working with the Mocha Club to better African women's lives.  She is offering a great incentive to donate!

2 - Have you entered the THANKFUL FOR YOU Giveaway I have going on?

3 - Leelou blogs has nifty free printables

4 - Shannon over at Imperfectly Perfect has an inspiring article on why we do what we do!

I hope you all have a wonderful and restorative weekend!

November 15, 2012

Freebie - I am Thankful Cards

Today I have a Thanksgiving inspired printable for you - "I am THANKFUL" Cards
Download HERE

You can use these as place cards on your table, as a tag on a hostess gift, or as an activity to get your Thanksgiving Guests into the spirit and sharing their joy.

I hope you have fun and enjoy these

November 14, 2012

Charity of the Month - Feeding America

As a reminder this month's featured charity is Feeding America.  You can read more about this worthy organization, whose goal is to simply feed those who are hungry, here.  

1 in 6 Americans Face HungerDon't forget, I will donate $1 to Feeding America for the first 25 new blog followers AND another $1 for the first 25 new Facebook followers this month!

If you are already a follower and decide to make a donation of your own; then your blog will be featured in my Honor Roll on the sidebar for 30 days, as well as a monthly recap post.  Please see my Lend A Helping Hand page for details.

The need is especially great now, with the impact of Sandy on the east coast.  There is still time to help out. Together we can make a difference.

SnapShot of Joy

Accept joy with open arms!

November 13, 2012

Life Lessons – Gratitude

The other day as I was driving home from my mom’s house, I had a revelation. My little bear was sound asleep in his car seat behind me and the crazy mutt was snoring next to me in the passenger seat. I had just turned off the radio to enjoy the relative quiet. It was an over cast day, but then the clouds thinned out in front of me. Not completely, just enough to show me the perfect circle of the sun.

Snow blowing from the mountains low laying clouds and the sun shining bright. This day turned out to be a very snow filled day. White outs and a good foot of snow.  Hwy 18 to Big Bear about 8:30     Be Green With Your Planet,Your Neighborhood. YOU ARE IMPORTART!!
Pinterest - theenergysolar
It occurred to me then what an amazing gift this life on this insignificant rock really is. I felt incredibly small and yet enormously loved all at the same time.

Do you ever stop to think about the miracle that is our little planet? Do you know how many different factors had to be combined in just the right way in order for us to even exist? It is a thought process that would take multiple lifetimes to fully comprehend. No matter if you believe that it was a “big bang” or God’s work, the process that brought us here is none the less amazing. It is a fact that we should be celebrating every day.

I am not very religious, but I do consider myself spiritual. To tell the truth, I am working on that aspect of my life - still learning and growing. At that moment it occurred to me what an amazing gift the world was. I know that in the grand scheme of the human experience, I am not necessarily all that important… and yet I am still blessed with the ability to know love, joy, and contentment. Driving that day I truly knew all three.

I may not change the world. I do not know all the answers. In fact I am as much a “work in progress” as you can get… and yet I love and am loved.

I am human and I need to be loved...
Pinterest - Emily Booher
It is that ability to love and give love that I am most thankful for at this time of year. It is in the extra smiles shared by neighbors, or strangers bustling through the stores. It is present when we gather with our families to share a meal or just to watch a movie. It allows us to be compassionate when we donate to those in need.

I was not looking forward to starting the four hour trek home the other day. Little did I know that a wonderful revelation was waiting for me!


November 12, 2012

Meditation Monday

Welcome to a new week!  

This week I have a mantra for you to meditate on. 
As you meditate simply repeat (either out loud or to yourself) this phrase.  Let your inner self begin to absorb it.  The more you consciously remind yourself, the easier it is to recall in your moments of doubt.   

Giving yourself permission to simply be is a wonderful gift that I hope you can all enjoy this week.

Thankful for YOU Giveaway and Freebie!

Announcing the first Not Done Growing Giveaway!
When I started this blog a little over a month ago, I was not sure what I was going to find.  To tell the truth, I was coasting a bit and was hoping to find direction.  I have been so happy with what I did find:  community, acceptance, and creativity.  

With Thanksgiving coming up, my mind has been focused on gratitude.  When I think of all that I have to be thankful for, my readers and followers are definately on that list.

In an effort to say thank you, I have both a Freebie and a Giveaway today!  

November 11, 2012

Operation Christmas Child ShoeBox

Operation Christmas Child Info
It's shoebox time for Operation Christmas Child!  National drop off is happening this week: Nov 12 - Nov 19th.  

Since 1993, over 95 million shoe box gifts have been delivered to children in over 130 countries by Samaritan's Purse.  For most of these children it will be the first Christmas gifts ever received.  No matter what your specific faith is, helping a child in need by showing them love and campassion is always a good thing.

November 9, 2012

Friday's Letters

PhotobucketTo my Dear Friend Friday - Thank you for finally getting here and gracing me with a visit.  It has been one of those weeks around here.  I have been looking forward to your arrival since Monday.  I do so enjoy our time, but is there any way to fast forward the day a bit?  I could really use some quality time with your buddies Saturday and Sunday.

Don't forget to link up with the Friday's Letters today too.

Have a great one!

Friday's Fab Finds

Happy Friday!

  Here are this week's Finds:


1.  Cheryl @ Tidy Mom has 25 great gift ideas all under $25 plus a giveaway!

2.  Let's not forget about those in need on the east coast.  You can dontate to the Hurricane Sandy Relief effort at the American Red Cross.

3.  Jill @ create.craft.love has instructions on how to make a cute set of napkin rings for your holiday table!

4.  Check out this great reminder on why we all need to take breaks @ The Empowered Momma 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

November 8, 2012

Freebie - "Give Thanks" Banner

Check out the cute Thanksgiving Banner (inspired by one at Paper Source) that I put together for the house

Click HERE to download the "give thanks" banner.

Printed it on card stock, punched a hole in each letter disk, and then threaded it on some ribbon - easy peasy. 

I hung our banner on the wall by the stairs, since it's the one spot we all walk by the most.  I also added some leaf cut outs from Paper Source that I already happened to have. As we think of something to be thankful for we can write it on a leaf. I think it is a great exercise to teach the little bear what Thanksgiving is all about - not to mention a great reminder for the bigger bears in the house! 

Since I'm willing to bet most of you do not already have left over fall leaves from your wedding(that was now over 4 years ago for me).  I have included a page of blank circles that you can use to write what you are thankful on.  You can download those HERE

If you are wondering, I used My Memories Suite to do this project.  I found MMS online a couple of weeks ago, and have been thoroughly enjoying learning all the cool aspects of the program.  It is so much more than a digital scrap-booking thing.  For a better explanation as well as a coupon code, check out Leelou Blogs.

I'd love to hear how each of you decided to use the banner!


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