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July 31, 2013

July Charity of the Month Wrap Up

The Desert Angel

This month our Charity was The Desert Angel.

Desert Angel is a 100% volunteer organization
and wholly dependent on donations.  Their mission is to collect, pack, and mail needed items to our troops.  They also like to include words of encouragement as well as items for the soldiers to pass on to the kids and people of the land they are on.  In their own words they simply explain it as follows:

We show our Troops they are not forgotten in deeds, not just words. Changing our world, one box at a time ~  Making a difference!   
The Desert Angels

Sharing the Miracle Boxes

Please take a moment to check out the What you can do to help page.  There are lots of options available from simply sending money to packing your own Miracle Box.

Each month I will donate $1 for the first 50 new followers to my blog to the current Charity of the Month.  You can follow in any way that you choose, simply pick an optionIf you already follow one way, feel free to add another:

This month I added over 50 RSS followers, that alone is enough to qualify for the maximum donation!  That means $50 to help The Desert Angel!   Thank you so much for your help and support, I could not do it alone.

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 29, 2013

Meditation Monday - Only takes me!

Happy Happy Folks.

Time again for our meditation/inspiration for the week.  This week's image is a reminder about the most important factor needed to bring about change in your life - you!

Pinterest Source

I have been in a funk lately, which tells me that it is time to make some changes; both in my life and in my attitude.  It is always easier to sit back and blame others for why I am unhappy or stuck in a place I don't like... but as this image says, ultimately it is up to me to make the changes.  =)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 24, 2013

Oh What A HAPPY Day Link Party!

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

My happiness this week is coming from my new bike.  I did not really want to spend the money for a new bike, but the hubs insisted that my old bike really was not sized right and my rides would be better if I got a new one.  Boy was he right!  It is amazing how much nicer my rides are.  Thanks for the spending push hubs!  =)

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 81 links in total!  Congrats go out to Susan @ Adventures in my Kitchen for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

This week I have the pleasure of having Courtney form One Fine Wire co-hosting with me.  Courtney manages to share her life and adventures with clear happiness and joy.  Check out some of her favorite posts: 

Signs of Comfort

Preston's Birth Story

Positional Plagiocephaly

Positional Plagiocephaly Update


The rules for the party are pretty simple:

OneHave fun, stop by our lovely Co-Host, and say HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


Oh What A HAPPY Day Party

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

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Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 22, 2013

Meditation Monday

Welcome back to another round of Meditation Monday.  Here is this week's image:

Pinterest Source
This quote totally hits the right spot for me today.  I've felt like I have been standing in a storm for a few weeks now.  Nothing to serious, just a lot of little things to deal with and feeling off course.  I like the idea of not fighting the storm, but simply adjusting my sails and working with it.  

Many years ago I used to sail with a crazy Englishman.  Besides teaching me to appreciate a warm Milwaukee's Best (long sails, not enough cooler space); he used to tell us all the time that the best winds come with the storm.  The man had us sailing in snow and freezing rain, but he was right, great wind!  You just have to know how to use it.  Make the right adjustment and you'll soar.

This week I am going to focus more on those sail adjustments.  I can sit here and complain about the storm, or I can take the helm and sail!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 19, 2013

52 Weeks and Money Saving Tip for Keurig Users

Happy Friday Everyone!

This is how I feel!
We've been sweltering all week with this heat wave in Chicago-land.  It is finally going to break for the weekend, and I am so ready for it!  

I have been lazy this week with my 52 Weeks of Kindness.  The best I can come up this week is that I have been kind to myself.  I have geared up my healthy living again.  It is time to start spending some quality time taking care of myself!  Eating well and exercising most days.  I've been taking the little bear to day care on my bicycle.  He loves it and I get a great work out in!  Kindness for both of us!  =)

I am also going to share a little $ saving tip I have discovered this week.  Do any of you use a Keurig Coffee Maker?  I love mine, but I have always felt a bit guilty about all those pods filling up the trash can.  I am the only coffee drinker in my house, and typically I only drink one cup.  So having the convenience of the Keurig one cup maker is a plus I am not willing to give up.

The down side of the whole thing is all the extra trash with all those pods, plus the over all cost.  Seriously, even only making one cup a day I would easily spend $30 a month on coffee pods.  

I have had a reusable filter for my Keurig, but only ever used it for my loose teas.  I had it in my head that with out the paper filter the coffee would not work right.  Let me just say, completely and totally wrong!!!

Not only do the reusable filter work with normal coffee, I think the cup of joe is even better!  Here is the filter I use:

They have fancier ones out there, but really the Solofill one works just fine for me.  I bought 2 of them, so I always have a clean one ready.  Easy to use and makes great coffee, can't complain about that!  Plus now rather than spending $30 a month, I'm back to spending $5 on a can of coffee... or I can get fancy and buy any beans I like and grind my own.  With an extra $25 buck in my pocket a month, the sky is the limit!  haha

So that is my week of kindness, a little for me and a little for you!  Don't forget to head over to My Three Bittles to see how Amber's week went!  Have a great weekend!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 17, 2013

Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

This week I still happy from our trip home this past weekend.  It was my oldest niece's 4th birthday.  Having a son, I love being with my nieces and spoiling them rotten!  haha  I can't wait for the next home trip to see them again!

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 68 links in total!  Congrats go out to Maria @ This Life's Beautiful Moments for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

This week I have the pleasure of having Dawn form Spatulas On Parade co-hosting with me.  Dawn's blog is a great source of recipes and smiles.  You can tell she really does love cooking and sharing her talents with us!  Check out some of her great recipes:

Almost Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie
Afritada Filipino Chicken Stew

Zucchini Fries

The rules for the party are pretty simple:

Oh What A HAPPY Day Party
Have fun, stop by our lovely Co-Host, and say HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


Oh What A HAPPY Day Party

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 15, 2013

Meditation Monday - Be a Rockstar!

Happy Monday!

Here is this week's image for meditation or motivation:

Pinterest Source
Let's all be rock stars this week!  What ever it is you'd like to change or do differently, just remember you too are a rock star, so do it!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 12, 2013

52 Weeks of Kindness

52 weeksHappy Friday Everyone!  I'm happy it is Friday finally.  Tomorrow is my niece's 4th birthday, and I can't wait to get some Auntie time in.  Her mother is so going to kill me when she sees all the presents we have, but I figure if your Auntie doesn't spoil you who will!  haha

This week my act of kindness was to donate to an old high school friend's fundraiser.  She is raising money to go to the Mayo Clinic.  She has multiple medical issues and is hoping they can help her manage better.  If you would like to read more you can here.
has several serious medical issues; she sees specialists in 7 different medical areas. - See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/let-s-get-crissy-to-the-mayo-clinic/67860#sthash.hw9h6J1c.dpuf
has several serious medical issues; she sees specialists in 7 different medical areas. - See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/let-s-get-crissy-to-the-mayo-clinic/67860#sthash.hw9h6J1c.dpuf

Also, don't forget to head over to My Three Bittles to see how Amber did with her 52 Weeks project today!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 10, 2013

OH What A HAPPY Day Link Party

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

This week I am happy to be partnering with
Datevitation and hosting a great giveaway!

Datevitation Review and GIVEAWAY

You can enter and read all about it here, plus get a coupon code!

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 67 links in total!  Congrats go out to Sarah @ Our Journey for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

The rules for the party are pretty simple: 

Have fun and say HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


Oh What A HAPPY Day Party

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 9, 2013

Datevitation Review and Giveaway - 2 Kindles or $200 Winner's Choice!

I have a great post for you today, sponsored by Datevitation!  

Datevitation is the web's first online platform to create a custom love coupon book. You pick the date activities and can customize them to your liking.  Once you are done creating your book, Datevitation will print it out and ship it to you.

The cool thing is that these dates are not just for romantic lovers. You can make a book for kids, or from kids to grandparents... really any combination you can come up with.

I made a date book for my little bear. I found their website easy to use and lovely. I think it took me all of 10 minutes to put my book together. It is really that easy. 

The library at Datevitation has over 350 date ideas, plus another 200 kid activities. There is something for everyone to enjoy. I will say too that the quality of the book is awesome! I was almost expecting a cheap little book, but it is very high quality and the printing is perfect. I will most definitely be ordering more of these in the future!

Books normally start at just $20 for a 5 coupon book. That is what I call a thoughtful yet economical gift.  As a special treat for my followers, you can use the code  ‘GROWING10for $10 off your purchase for the whole month of July.  That's half price! Gotta love it!

But that is not all I have for you today!  I am also partnering with Datevitation in their July Giveaway!

The more entries you can complete the greater your chances of winning this terrific prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

Please note that although I was given a free Coupon Book to review, all the thoughts and ideas expressed in this post are my honest impressions of Datevitation and their product.

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 8, 2013

Meditation Monday - Lead By Example

Happy Monday!  Here's to hoping this week goes better than last week, although all things considered last week was really not that bad.  A bit painful with my foot, but it could have been worse.  I am healing and we even managed to have some fun, I'll take that any weekend.

This week our image for mediation is:

Pinterest Source

We have all heard it again and again, Actions Speak Louder than Words.  How we act, how we carry ourselves through this life is what people remember.  

I can tell my son again and again that drinking water is better than juice, but if all he ever sees me drinking water why should he?  The same holds true for being kind and honest.  The best way for me to teach him how to be the person I want him to be is to show him.  

This week I am going to focus on leading by example, for both my son and for me!  

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 5, 2013

52 Weeks of Kindness

52 weeksTGIF!  This has been a long week.  On Tuesday I had a treatment to remove a planters wart on my foot.  By Wednesday that spot was infected and I got to spend the afternoon in the ER.  Thankfully the oral antibiotics are working.  Plus my hubs has been off of work since Wednesday for the holiday.  So he's been able to do all the cooking, cleaning, and shopping!  I'm his act of kindness this week!  

My other act of kindness was to buy a scratch off lottery ticket at Meijers the other day.  Then I left the ticket in a shopping cart.  Hopefully the person who found it won something!  =)

Also, don't forget to head over to My Three Bittles to see how Amber did with her 52 Weeks project today!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 3, 2013

Oh What A HAPPY Day Link Party

Welcome to the Oh What a HAPPY Day Link Party!

Time to celebrate what is giving us JOY and making us HAPPY this week.  It is so easy to get bogged down and lost in the negative.  Let's take a moment and celebrate the positive.

This week I am happy to be with my family to celebrate the Fourth of July.  My father in law is coming down to spend the holiday with us.  It should be fun - filled with fireworks, parades, and yummy food!

It would not be the 4th with out a reminder of all the great men and women in our military.  If you have time, check out July's Charity of the Month, Desert Angel.  Their mission is to brighten the days of our soldiers!

I'd also like to thank all the lovely bloggers who joined up with us here for Oh HAPPY Day last time.  We had 64 links in total!  Congrats go out to Tyson @ Uplifting Love for having the most views last week.

Now onto the party! 

The rules for the party are pretty simple: 

Have fun and say HI to as many other party goers as possible.  =) 

If you would like to spread the word, please grab a button and put it on your blog.  If you are interested in being a co-host, then just let me know!   


Oh What A HAPPY Day Party

You can connect your blog URL or a specific post, what ever is making you happy today!  Enjoy!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.


July 1, 2013

July Charity of the Month - The Desert Angel

The Desert Angel

This month, in honor of the Fourth of July, I thought I would support a Charity that's main mission is to help out the troops serving and sacrificing for the Freedoms we will be celebrating:  The Desert Angel.

Desert Angel is a 100% volunteer organization
and wholly dependent on donations.  Their mission is to collect, pack, and mail needed items to our troops.  They also like to include words of encouragemnt as well as items for the soldiers to pass on to the kids and people of the land they are on.  In their own words they simply explain it as follows:

We show our Troops they are not forgotten in deeds, not just words. Changing our world, one box at a time ~  Making a difference!   
The Desert Angels

They complete this mission by mailing Miracle Boxes.  The boxes contain a variety of items, including socks, pocket foods, letters from home and "a whole lot of love".  Also in each Miracle Box we add a "Prayer Cloth" or "Pocket Flag" reminding our Troops, we are praying for them.

Sharing the Miracle Boxes

Please take a moment to check out the What you can do to help page.  There are lots of options available from simply sending money to packing your own box.

Each month I will donate $1 for the first 50 new followers to my blog to the current Charity of the Month.  You can follow in any way that you choose, simply pick an optionIf you already follow one way, feel free to add another:

The Desert Angel's mission is simply to spread joy and thanks to our deserving service men and women.  Let's see if we can join together to help them out this month!

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.

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