January 5, 2013

52 Weeks of Kindness

52 weeks of kindnessI almost missed the first 52 Weeks.  Nothing like punting on a resolution before the end of the first weekha-ha 

This was a quiet week.  My random acts of kindness were that I packed up a box for Goodwill, and also helped a co-worker fix a problem.

I'll have to get a bit more creative in the coming weeks!  Don't forget to stop by My Three Bittles to see what others are doing each week to spread some happiness.


  1. It was a quiet week for me too. But there is nothing wrong with quiet. We packed up a box for Goodwill too! We've got more to pack up, though, and we'll be working on that tomorrow. =0)

  2. That's a good one! And a really great one to start the new year too because it's helping to get your organized too :) Thanks for linking up!

  3. I luv the random acts of kindness...wish more people would do them. A new follower from the Meet and Greet Blog Hop. Would luv if you could stop by my blog as well.

    Anne Marie

  4. :) I'm glad you remembered!! Those are good ones! Every act of kindness helps and makes a difference!!

    come back next week!!


  5. I love that Random Act of Kindness thing!! Maybe will follow suit!!

    I am from the meet and greet blog hop!

    Clear It Waste London
