August 7, 2013

Taking Some Time....

Happy Wednesday All!

Today is normally my Oh What A Happy Day Link Party, and for my great group of linkers, I am sorry to say that I have decided to put our little link party on hold for a bit.

Actually, I have decided to take a little time off from being a blogger.  To tell the truth, my heart has not been in it lately.  I have really just been going through the motions.  Some where along the line I lost my inspiration.  This is actually true for more than just my little blog.  So rather than just plugging along, I have decided to take a break and do some soul searching.  Focus on finding my joy and my spark again.  Hopefully the break will rev up my motivation and I will be back better and stronger than before!

Since there is no Happy Day Party today, I did want to share with you a wonderful blogger that I think will help you find and realize your JOY in my absence.

Joanne @ What's On The List?
Please take the time to check out Joanne's blog What's On The List?

Joanne is a passionate home cook who's joy and love for life easily comes through in her writing and recipes.  She loves to spread positive stories and happiness, a lady after my own heart!  

Check out some great posts from What's On The List?

Me Time Before Tea Time

Mum's Special Spice Cake

OzHarvest Be a Souper Hero

I hope you all have a wonderful day!



  1. Holly, I think I know how you feel; it seems like a lot of us are struggling to find inspiration right now. I've enjoyed your blog, and I really hope you'll decide to come back after your break. This time of year is tough, too, because so many folks are winding up with their summer and there's not much blog reading and visiting going on.

    Enjoy your break -- we'll miss you!!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. Hi Dear Lady,
    Take care of yourself. We'll be here when you find your "spark" again, and you will find it. Sometimes we just need a little breather in life to refocus on what we want from our heart.

  3. Hey Holly, I am in the middle of a move to Maryland which has been a 3 month process so it has forced me to take a break. It has been nice but I am ready to get back. I am even daydreaming about my future home office. I hope you find the same feelings after taking a break and will be back with us soon.

  4. I'll miss stopping by to visit on Wednesdays! Everyone needs a break sometimes, enjoy and refresh!

  5. Sorry to hear, but glad you're honest with yourself about it. We'd figure it out eventually! See you on the other side!

  6. i'll miss you too. but I'm sure you'll be a bigger and better blogger when you come back. Just call it a leave of absence. We all do that in the work force for all kinds of reasons. Looking forward to the new things you will have for us.

  7. G'day and big, big thanks Holly for highlighting me/my blog today!
    As the others have mentioned, think everyone more than understand and it is only when we all take a step back, we can see all the wonderful things and wonderful people who truly worldwide brighten our day!
    I will be keeping in contact with you and when you are ready...if you need anything, just say the word, true!
    I hope in the interim, the wonderful people and blogs you have united will keep in touch with each other as I have met some special food people along the way at your Happiness parties too!
    Cheers! Joanne

  8. I will miss you, I really will. Best of luck! :)

    Love, Joy

  9. Holly, I wish you the best! I went through this a few weeks back, and hadn't linked up to any link parties. I just felt so blah. I hope you are able to find your inspiration again. Best of luck~

