June 14, 2013

52 Weeks and Father's Day

I am rolling my act of kindness this week into my father's day gift giving.  I've had a cold all week, so my activities have been slowed down to say the least.

After some web surfing and pinning I came up with a great gift idea for both my father-in-law and my grandpa, aka Little Bear's Grandpa and Great Grandpa!  Both of these guys are impossible to shop for.  If you ask them what they want they will always tell you nothing, or don't spend your money on me.  

This year I decided to make them each a picture plaque, for lack of a better word.  Here is the one I made for my Grandpa:

The picture on the top is me and my two sisters with our Grandpa when we were younger.  The bottom two are his crazy great-grandchildren today.  Apparently the new generation cannot take a picture without at least two of the three having their mouth wide open... so I had to find a similar picture of us!  

Here is how my father-in-law's turned out:

He is going to kill me for putting him in the pictures, but I could not resist.  The one on the top is him and my hubs.  The one on the bottom is Grandpa and Little Bear.  My three guys.  I really am one lucky lady.  

Actually the little bear and I are both pretty lucky to have such great men in our lives.  I am forever grateful for them both.  My grandpa for teaching me so much, and my father-in-law for being such a great role model for his son.  

I had these printed up at Walgreen's, and put them into nice frames.  Of course I forgot to take a picture before I wrapped them.  I went with the father's day theme and added ties to the basic paper.  I think they turned out pretty cute.

52 weeksDon't forget to give the great guys in your life an extra hug this weekend. 

Also, head over to My Three Bittles and see what every one else did for their acts of kindness this week!  

Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.



  1. would a lovely special gift idea! hope you are feeling better with your cold.

  2. How lovely. It's important not to forget Grandads. They are awesome! I know mine were and both my kid's granddads are magical!

  3. Just found your blog!
    Now following!
    Looking forward to keeping up!

    Im doing a blog design giveaway! Check it out :)


  4. What a special gift! I bet that they loved it! Thanks for sharing!
    Robin @ Fluster Buster
