April 5, 2013

52 Weeks of Kindness

TGIF!  This week has been a fun one for us.  The hubs was home on vacation all week, so it was nice to see more of him.  I know little bear enjoyed having him home to take him to school and pick him up.  He gets bored with me all the time.  =)

52 weeks of kindness

If it is Friday, then it is time again to link up with My Three Bittles' 52 Weeks Project.  Each week Amber encourages us to share the random acts of kindness that we have done this week.  

My act of kindness was of the four legged variety this week.  When the fams got in the car to head into Chicago for our Family Fun Day on Wednesday, there was a lost dog stuck in the middle of the busiest intersection by our house.  I could not leave that poor, scared doggie on her own.  The hubs was driving, so I jumped out to try and collect the dog.  She was pretty scared though and kept running away.   

Thankfully she ran to an empty lot and out of the street.  I grabbed my diaper bag and found some goldfish snacks.  It took a bit, but finally the dog's tummy won and she came up to me.  We did not have a leash, and when I tried to hold onto the dog's collar she tended to bolt again.  

The best part about this story is that at least 3 other people stopped to help us.  One of the ladies even ran home and got an old leash and a bag of doggie treats to help.  By that time the sweet dog had at least gotten used to me and was staying in the lot playing with a ball that was in our car.  

The local police showed up and the first officer there was part of the K9 unit.  He was able to easily get the leash on the dog and put her safely into his car.  This dog was scared, but very well behaved and you could tell well cared for.  I am sure even if her normal owners could not find her, some one would be taking her home soon.  =)

The one thing I cannot emphasize enough though is to make sure your dog has a tag on at all times!  This dog had a collar, but not an ID tag.  If she would have had a phone # to call, we could have gotten her home easily.  

Now it's time to hug my puppy!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 


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  1. Oh my gosh, that was so nice of you and so nice of those other people to stop!
    So many people would've just kept on driving and not even thought twice about it!

  2. Have a wonderful weekend. :) My husband was also home on leave, so nice having them home!

  3. Hope it was a great weekend. Thanks for commenting on my lightbox. I am now following you on Google Plus.
