March 25, 2013

Meditation Monday

Happy Monday.  It is a short work week for me and I am already counting down until my day off on Friday!  

life is simple

This week I'd like to focus my meditation on simplicity.  I mentioned on Friday how I have been trying to get all the stuff in my house organized and thinned out.  I think it is time to bring this idea to a higher level by incorporating simplicity into my personal philosophy.  It's still a work in progress... but a week of meditating on living a more simple life can only help!


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  1. Isn't that the truth. I have nominated you for a Liebster award. Check it out.

  2. I love this quote. I truly believe in keeping things simple. I would love to hang this quote where I can see it everyday.

  3. So very true - he was a clever guy that Confucius eh? ;)

    Thanks for linking up!

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  4. Hola Holly!
    I definitely believe in simplicity! Thanks for linking up!

    ~SimplyyMayra :)

  5. Yes! we all reminders that life is simple and to keep it that way :) Thanks for the reminder.
