March 29, 2013

March Charity of the Month Wrap Up - Grace Centers of Hope

Grace Centers of Hope
March's Charity was the Grace Centers of Hope.  

Grace Centers of Hope is a Christian out reach program dedicated to helping out the homeless, addicted, and unwanted of society. They believe that by encouraging community, teaching new life-skills, acceptance, and forgiveness; change and hope is always possible.  
With the Charity of the Month Program, each month I will donate $1 for the first 50 new followers to my blog to the current Charity of the Month.  You can follow in any way that you choose, just pick an option, or if you already follow one way, add another:

This month I added over 100 new followers.  That translates to a $50 donation for the Grace Centers of Hope!  Thank you very much for your help and support.

Don't forget to check in on monday for the April Charity of the Month

In case you were wondering, I am counting this as my 52 Weeks of Kindness for the week.  Don't forget to also check out the other linkers at My Three Bittles' 52 Weeks Project.   


Looking to grow your blog? I have Sponsor Spots open this week - priced to fit any budget, including FREE! Hop over to my sponsor page for more details.



  1. This makes me so happy! I just facebook posted about it!

  2. I am so glad you made your goal of $50.00

  3. Holly-you just inspire me so much. I love your giving heart. Thanks for staying connected. I appreciate you. = )

    Irish at Dedicated 2 Life
