March 19, 2013


The other day I stumbled upon an inspirational pin about happiness that got me thinking a lot about how we define happiness and how it effects our lives.  

Pinterest Source

On the surface this is a pretty straight forward quote - basically the less you fight your life and the more you accept it, the happier your will beOK, I can buy into that.  I mean lord know I will never be a six foot tall runway model, so there is no point in killing myself to try to look like one.  Accepting my body as what it is will most definitely increase my level of happy.
The more I thought about it though, the more this quote also rubs me the wrong way.  Is just accepting and making the most of things the secret of being happy?  What kind of world would we live in if no one challenged the status quo?  If everyone just shrugged their shoulders and said "eh that's life why fight it"?

I will never be a model but that does not mean that I should just accept that I will always be a little overweight and out of shape.  That type of acceptance just makes me sad.  I like to think that we have more choices and more control over this life and our happiness.  

Pinterest having the infinite wealth of inspirational quotes that it does, here is one a little more suited to my style of happiness!

Pinterest Source

I would say that the secret of being happy is KNOWING where you are in life, and then CHOOSING to make the most out of every day.  How about youWhat does your definition of happiness look like?

Don't forget to stop back tomorrow and link up with the Oh What a HAPPY Day Party.  We can choose to be happy and share our joys together!


  1. I love this happiness quote. I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check it out here:

  2. Love this post (and your quotes) - feel quite a bit happier just reading it.

    Have a happy week.

    Kate x

  3. Very well written. Thank you for sharing at View from River Mountain: Show It Off link party.

  4. I completely agree with you. My fav quote of all is from the movie The Beach, and it`s about happiness: "Happiness is not something you you look for, it is not where you go. It`s how you feel for a moment in your life. And if you find that moment, it lasts forever".

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Following back ofc :)
