January 25, 2013

52 Weeks of Kindness - Week 4

Manic MotherHappy Friday Dear Friends!  This has been a long week for me of back pain and grumpiness.  I am so happy to welcome the weekend and look forward to hearing all the actions done in kindness! 

This week I focused on making sure to thank the people in my life who inspire me.  It is so easy to forget to pass on what you are feeling or to assume that the person already knows.  Even if they do know how much they help and inspire you, it still never hurts to tell them.  Everyone likes to hear it out loud every once in a while!  So I sent emails and left messages making sure friends and family all knew how much they mean to me.

I also shared the love with my readers by posting a Valentine's Day printable=)

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!