October 30, 2012

Life Lessons: Change of Perspective

Perspective is defined as the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.

The other day, I had a most amazing conversation with my husband:

Me: I like doing my yoga in the bedroom. I can shut the door and the dog doesn’t lick my face every time I’m in down dog; but I hate having to go downstairs and lugging the laptop up and down each time.

Hubs: That’s a pain, but you could just think of it as an extension of your work out.

Me: Huh… Awesomeness! Thanks!

He smiled and gave me his “whatever babe” look.  Then went back to his day.

By finding a new perspective, I found new joy in my yoga practice. By being able to accept that going downstairs is just part of the deal (and not really that big of an issue), I have been able to let go of the negative.
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If you find yourself struggling with an issue that just seems too much, remember to try looking at it from a new angle. Better yet, reach out and ask a loved one what they think. Sometimes the most amazing perspectives are found in the most surprising spots.


  1. Great blog! Thanks for linking up to the CHQ blog hop! Happy to follow along. Hope to see you back next week!

  2. I think the laptop trip is definitely worth it, simply because of the fabulousness of shutting the door to your bedroom behind you and getting in some me time!

    1. You are so right! I am so bad at taking better advantage of that me time too! Just have to get it situated right in my head, I guess. =)
